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Just Doing My Best: A penny saved...

Saturday, January 24, 2009


A penny saved...

I love Target! If you have a Target near you and children in your home, you simply must rush to your nearest one and check out the clearance section in the children's department. Even DH was impressed with the bargains. We saved more than we spent!

We found 3 pair of pajamas for DD, 2 at $3.74 and 1 at $4.24, a pair of gym pants for $3.74, and a hooded shirt for DS for $3.74. I love consignment stores but it would be tough to beat these prices even there.

When I find deals like this, I usually buy ahead for the next year. How does your family save on clothing?

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Lately my dd2, 12, has been getting things from Goodwill & Savers. Usually I don't shop there b/c I can never find anything.

But love my CJ Banks store in town. This time of yr. a $50. jacket goes for $10. A $30 shirt sells for $10. This is my kind of store. I get e-mails on sales. There clothes are good quality and modest. As I like to say NORMAL!!

CJ Banks sounds wonderful! You can't beat a $10 jacket.

We don't have that store here. Is it a department store like JCPenney? Or more like a Kmart or Walmart?


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